
Supporting Inclusion in Tech: Our Commitment to Diverse Voices at WordCamps

a close-up shot of 10 hands with various colors of skin, palms facing downward, in a 'let's go team' style stack

We’re proud to announce that we’re supporting Support Inclusion in Tech, an initiative founded by Winstina Hughes to bring fresh new voices to Word Camps around the world. This initiative provides reimbursements for travel and lodging for speakers who would otherwise not be able to attend or speak at a camp, making it easier for new and diverse voices to be heard.

As organizers of WordCamps ourselves, we know firsthand how difficult it can be to bring in new, diverse voices to our speaker rosters. Part of the challenge is that often, new or more diverse voices don’t feel “qualified” to speak, which can be addressed through programs that WordPress itself provides. However, what has not been addressed in a formal way thus far is finding ways to provide financial support for travel and lodging expenses for speakers who would bring a new and diverse perspective to a WordCamp stage, but are not in a position to fund themselves.

During our time as organizers, we were only able to put speakers on the roster who were able to take time out of their schedule and were able to fund their own travel and lodging in order to speak at a camp. This can be a significant barrier for many people, particularly those from underrepresented communities.

That’s where Support Inclusion in Tech comes in. By matching up businesses who want to support new and diverse voices by covering travel and lodging expenses with people who want to speak but aren’t in a position to fund it themselves, this initiative makes it easier for fresh perspectives to be heard. We’re excited to be participating in Winstina’s new initiative alongside such well-known names as Post Status and Yoast.

While Support Inclusion in Tech is still very new, we’re optimistic that it will fill a need that has long gone unmet by existing WordPress and WordCamp initiatives. We believe that everyone deserves a chance to have their voice heard, and we’re thrilled to be doing our part to support diversity and inclusion in the tech industry.

If you’re interested in learning more about Support Inclusion in Tech and how you can get involved, we encourage you to check out their website and watch Cory’s interview with Winstina on Post Status Draft. Together, we can help bring new and diverse voices to the forefront of the tech industry and create a more inclusive and equitable future for all.

by | Last Updated: Feb 22, 2023 | community